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Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects

 Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects Introduction Climate change has been at the forefront of concern around the world for quite a few years now. We've seen the steady increase in greenhouse gasses since industrialization began and have been able to measure the effect industry has had on the atmosphere in detail since 1970. As the decades have worn on and the world gets more technological with an increase in industrial activity. It is noticed that there has been an increase in average temperature in the last century of about a full degree. This paper asserts that greenhouse gasses are not the primary factor in global warming, but that the warming is from a shifting of the electromagnetic poles in conjunction with a prolonged increase in solar activity which has weakened the atmosphere's ability to repel solar winds and radiation. A degree in temperature doesn't seem like it should be much to worry about as many skeptics have pointed out, the earth goes through coo

Why do you think that the US could lose it’s top position as a world leader?


Why do you think that the US could lose it’s top position as a world leader?

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Sadly, some of the things you have been saying are good assessments of the situation and I believe there is credibility there for why the US is on a down spiral.

#1) The Russians figured something out quite a while ago and they ran an experiment in the US in 2016 to see if it was true. People go up in arms that it was to mess with the election and yes, it was partly but that wasn’t the point in itself.

By getting that hacker team to focus on the US they were able to spread disinformation and sow seeds of discord that had incalculable effects moving forwards.

That hacker group

a) showed the world that the US was vulnerable

b) it showed that democracy has some major weaknesses that can be exploited

c) it showed the threat of total free speech and free speech of the press

d) it made the American electoral system seem fraudulent, or at very least not a credible and fair system to elect governments in

So, just by doing the disinformation and the trolling they did they undermined some important pillars of democracy and they showed how truly weak the institution we thought was so untouchable and permanent was shown to have vulnerabilities that an enemy could exploit to cause a collapse. They showed the dangers of having free speech and how it can be used to create a disinformation septic pool that is so filled with lies that you can’t even begin to guess what the truth is.

2) The Russians didn’t create the problems, they just put a spotlight on them in a way that no one was ready for or expected. The fundamental problem in the US still exists now as it did before the Russian hackers ever showed up. There are fundamental fractures in the system the purposefully pits race against race, religion against atheists, and neighbor against neighbor depending on what end of what issue you stand on.

Racism and the civil problems that are dug deep into the American psyche are a huge problems that continue to fester until the next while cop kneels on a guy until he’s dead. The racism is entrenched and for Christ sakes there were lynch mobbing still in 1981 when Michael Donald was murdered by the KKK in Alabama. In the 1980s they were still anxious to hunt a person down and put them on death display for all the children to see.

It’s a problem that has deep roots in America and after having fought a civil war over it in the in 1861–1865. Over a hundred years later and Americans were still hunting people down to string them up and kill them as entertainment. It truly does not get more entrenched in a society than it is in the US. Now, that isn’t to say that it isn’t getting better because it is — just not at the rate that the US needs to be able to ward off discord into a critical upcoming future.

These hot button issues are always just simmering under the surface in the country. Outsiders can see this and they know that they can capitalize on that. Foreign threats will seek to exploit these weaknesses because they know with the Trump rally that there is an extremist side of the politics that can cause chaos by manipulating messages and stirring up problems.

#3) Like it or not, we’ve released a virus into the world that we can’t undo. The US has some major problems in the past with being given any type of directive to follow in terms of everyone wearing masks and following protocols. With the newest threat being a new Bird Flu on top of that, we’ve now got Governments pushing for vaccines, which now it will take 3 shots to cover them all (Covid, Bird Flu and conventional Flu).

At any rate this is a pressure cooker of a situation that will emerge as a major issue when Hospitals are actually over capacity and the Government is back mandating masks, needles, and isolation

#4) The economy is in a huge bubble and it’s connected to the 2008 crash but has some funky differences. Like for one housing starts were held back artificially and so the there was this massive queue for construction and industries connected to construction. This has given the impression that there was a thriving market still despite the 2008 collapse.

Then when Covid shut everyone into isolation and masking that work bubble swelled up again along with inflation and we’ve seen prices and work artificially jack themselves up because of human policies (first not to build new houses due the mortgage collapse and second because people weren’t able to freely come and go to shop or visit or even work in some cases). So the economy is at this precipice of artificial inflation and all it is going to take is one major domino like the mortgage crisis caused — for the entire economy to have a worse than 2008 market correction.

#5) Multi front wars that came out of seemingly nowhere that we don’t hear any real information on that we should. I mean, they followed OJ around and documented every breath he took during the 1990s and what are we hearing about the war? scabs of info most of it is probably old or irrelevant. We don’t really know how bad the tensions truly are and with the US having mercenaries that are wearing Ukraine colors actively participating in war activities on Russian soil (all be it under the Ukraine flag which, doesn’t hold up with the slightest of scrutiny) we’ve therefor go Americans using American weapons and American air support actively attacking Russian territory and lets be clear on this — Putin said that any American lays a military boot on Russian land and he’s sending the up the birds to rain Armageddon. Well, we have evidence of US soldiers (mercenaries) are indeed attacking Russian places.

On top of that the US is firmly committed to assisting Israel in it’s war. This is a war that has created a new arms race so to speak because the Iranians are looking to become a nuclear power ASAP in order to have themselves a deterrent to prevent the US from boots on the ground in Iran. Iran will be wanting a deterrent to keep the US out.

The China has been rattling its saber at Tai Wan dropping leaflets there telling the people they belong with China and under that influence rather than Japan and the US. There is a possibility of China taking over Tai Wan especially if the US is bogged down in the middle east and with Russia but it’s still a pinnacle turning point which would give everyone the clear idea of what other countries think of the US if they start blatantly defying them which, we’ve seen a growing trend of countries firmly standing in opposition to the US’s wishes. All these wars are going to drive a 37 trillion dollar deficit even further into the poor house because war is not cheap and here is the definitive tipping point.

With the economy weak if the wars end up being quick and done then the optimism that had existed that everything is fine will dry up and you’ll see investors yanking their money fast than we already are seeing. This will cause a collapse so from the economies perspective the wars are what is going to carry the US economy forward for the first while, but when the war ends the economy certainly will do a major correction.

All it is going to take is one of these aforementioned issues to really ignite on its own or in concert with the other issues and we can most certainly see that the US will be in danger of collapsing. Society is held together by thin threads and this issue will be the one reminds us just how precarious things are held together.

Worst case scenario is full out nuclear war with Russia and that is a major extinction event level problem. So yes, indeed the US can certainly collapse and lose it’s spot as one of the top world leaders.


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