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Showing posts from July, 2024

Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects

 Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects Introduction Climate change has been at the forefront of concern around the world for quite a few years now. We've seen the steady increase in greenhouse gasses since industrialization began and have been able to measure the effect industry has had on the atmosphere in detail since 1970. As the decades have worn on and the world gets more technological with an increase in industrial activity. It is noticed that there has been an increase in average temperature in the last century of about a full degree. This paper asserts that greenhouse gasses are not the primary factor in global warming, but that the warming is from a shifting of the electromagnetic poles in conjunction with a prolonged increase in solar activity which has weakened the atmosphere's ability to repel solar winds and radiation. A degree in temperature doesn't seem like it should be much to worry about as many skeptics have pointed out, the earth goes through coo

Here is how the world ends

What is the most far-fetched conspiracy theory you've encountered so far in 2024? Do you think that you know who is behind it? It is all planned. Economic Collapse We are about to have a market crash once again. We had an uncontrolled gain in terms of the overall market gdp due to the artificial bubble created by the holdbacks of Covid. When things lightened up for restrictions we seen all kinds of money thrown at problems to get the backlog dealt with. The has created a bubble that is similar to the housing bubble of 2008. In fact, if you look at that economic growth chart just prior to the housing collapse the economic graph is near identical with an unsustainable gain slope that was higher than it was long. This I suspect is because of Covid and then the rush to catch up. Which means at some point this bubble is going to break when some industry crisis or some type of economic shift or slow down occurs and the first companies start going bankrupt which are currently over extende

What are the potential drawbacks of nationalizing an industry?

 What are the potential drawbacks of nationalizing an industry? It depends on what industry and what the purpose of nationalizing it is. The industries that it makes the most sense to nationalize have some criteria in my opinion: They should be static industries that do not change very much or very quickly in terms of the core of it’s business. It should be an industry that is key to public security, public safety, or the public’s interest. It should be something that is mammoth in size so that it doesn’t affect any small businesses by having it nationalized. It should add value by nationalizing it - such as continuity, consistency, stability etc. There should be a pain point that is needing to be addressed that centralizing that industry under the government addresses it. It should be specialized enough that there is not a lot of competition. It wouldn’t be small business or medium businesses getting put out of business - it should be an industry where it would be cost prohibitive for