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Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects

 Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects Introduction Climate change has been at the forefront of concern around the world for quite a few years now. We've seen the steady increase in greenhouse gasses since industrialization began and have been able to measure the effect industry has had on the atmosphere in detail since 1970. As the decades have worn on and the world gets more technological with an increase in industrial activity. It is noticed that there has been an increase in average temperature in the last century of about a full degree. This paper asserts that greenhouse gasses are not the primary factor in global warming, but that the warming is from a shifting of the electromagnetic poles in conjunction with a prolonged increase in solar activity which has weakened the atmosphere's ability to repel solar winds and radiation. A degree in temperature doesn't seem like it should be much to worry about as many skeptics have pointed out, the earth goes through coo

What are some reasons why people may prefer to live in earlier periods of American history rather than the present?


Technology or the Nuclear Family? What are the causes of societal values collapsing?

Many people often mistake technology to be the reason that societal values have started breaking down across the globe. I believe the problem is rooted in a loss of familial identity and the deterioration of clarity as to what our roles are within society as a whole.

I hate to say it but I think today’s problems are from not having a structured approach to disassembling the patriarchy that continues to exist by dismantling the system without a plan in place. Society didn’t account for the need for a stable parental figure at home during the crucial years of development. Instead, we threw everyone into the workforce and started dropping off our kids at daycare for the bulk of their conscious time during their most precious years of development where they may or may not be getting what they require to develop into healthy adults.

Agreed that there perhaps doesn’t need to be someone at home when the kids are school aged and are gone from 8 to 4 anyway - but those first 5 years, I think we missed some significant development time that no longer was focused on as it should have been or could have been and we have a generation of disconnected children now.

Combine that with the assault on the role of the male in societal structures and we have a victim class mentality running old system weaknesses in an exploitative way within the new undefined structure roles that exist. For instance, people still claim that men cannot be raped but they absolutely can - they can be coerced and blackmailed into sex against their will, and if they are on any of those weekend long pills then it can easily activate whether the guy was turned on or not simply through friction. There have been studies that the amount of women that force men to have sex is way under reported and is actually much higher than ever thought or known before but because there often isn’t the overt violence involved (but there can be) it is dismissed as inconsequential.

So, our society is designed where if the female issues an allegation that the male is branded guilty whether he is or isn’t and if it is proven that he isn’t there are little to no repercussions for that female for having done so meanwhile, that male can have lost his job and his reputation simply because of this false allegation issued by someone who got their ego hurt after being turned down.

So, this imbalance in terms of accusational power is manifest in the response the guy gets if he reports abuse. That is, he will be shamed for reporting that he was raped or his friends would congratulate him on it, there is no real emotional supports in place for a man who has been raped in the same sense that there is for females. If a man were to go public and declare he was raped by some female he would likely be dismissed, eyes would roll, and he would face some type of public shame for having aired the grievance publicly. Where if a female does it, the man is instantly ostracized and often loses his work if he is a public figure.

This creates an imbalance in the power structure as a result of the long standing issues between rapist men and women that are true victims in these situations which opened a door for women that have various disorders to allege false accusations towards men and slide under the same legitimacy as the true victims of the crime. This further gets convoluted when sometimes those very same women that are victims of previous rapes develop a hatred towards men and use their past experience as a means to justify the false allegations and destruction of a man’s life out of misplaced hatred across all men instead of the men that have actually have harmed them.

This is a sad state of events - because these women were made this way by some real monsters out there and have naturally grown a distrust and dislike towards the gender that has harmed them repeatedly - not only is it understandable but it is in it’s own way justifiable when you look at some of the statistics in some areas.

Where does this leave us?

Men themselves are lost in many cases. I was told my whole life that women didn’t value the macho man and thought he was a chauvinist asshole while time and time again watched the women pick the asshole over the sensitive guy that would have been attentive and loyal. There are those of us that grew up and were ridiculed for our sensitivity that as adults get implied ‘we aren’t manly enough’ because we aren’t focused on building muscles or on being the biggest Alpha that is out there but instead focused on arts or learning instead.

We are perpetually shown that we are not good enough by these women that hate type A attitudes but want type A confidence/arrogance/attitude/social status. They want it but they don’t want it at the same time. This leaves individuals like myself left confused trying to figure out what they hell that it is they want and my escort friend gave me some advise that turned out to be bang on and it still blows me away to this day.

It’s that you have to play a game with women she said. She said if I am being authentic they will think it’s a deception and or they will think it’s weak - well that’s the only way I know how to be but, I did take her advise and found that she was right. She told me, whether you care or not you pretend you don’t give a shit and you walk out that door like you’re going to some other woman’s place and when you get back she will love you like you never been loved before.

So, that night when I was told that she wasn’t interested in me that night and was losing interest in general I laughed and walked out to my phone. I picked it up and called my friend and she said just pretend you’re coming over to my house so I said ‘Okay, sure I’ll be there in a few minutes’ with her on speaker phone and then hung up. I then went into my car on the street and pulled it around the side of the building and slept in the car for 2 hours and came back home and was fucked so hard it wasn’t even funny.

Go figure - women don’t like to be treated nice is the message I got. You have to treat them like they don’t matter in order for them to want you.

You see the problem for guys like me? You see how this doesn’t work well?

Not only are we at risk for being accused of doing things we don’t do which would get us 3 years of agonizing misery for no reward in the end, but we don’t know where we fit in social structures because we aren’t manly enough but at the same time we got our sensitivity jacked right up and chicks now want strong protectors instead of sensitive men that relate - we are a lost generation not knowing what to do and when we want to treat women good we are dismissed and discarded and we are taught by women then that we need to treat them like shit in order for them to want us.

What the fuck?

This is the problem with disassembling patriarchy without any structured plan in place - it created a couple of lost generations that no longer know what to do or how to get what they want.

Further, society as a whole has become more narcissistic and as a result it is easy for women or men to exploit the other sex through marriage and stealing half their wealth. These things are so common now that people are afraid to get married and afraid to live common law.

It’s creating a new generation of people that are not interested in relationships because the pain and drain on your wealth that is created plus you can never seem to be what the other sex wants on any given day anymore anyway.

Women retained their privileges of being the fairer sex from the patriarchal system we had in place so they often enjoy the free dates, the generalized expectation the man will do the heavy lifting etc. but they were able to offload some of their duties onto men who are supposed to be more sensitive and help more intimately with the rearing of children which most certainly takes empathy and caring but they didn’t give anything back in terms of give and take.

Instead, they are in a unique position of power where they are able to leverage their position in society to break men with a false allegation, not have any repercussion and they enjoy the benefits of the previous way of life without having to take on any of the ‘mans burdens’ from this newer version of whatever patriarchy/matriarchy system we seem to be evolving to.

So, it’s not technology that is the problem in society - it’s this unstructured approach to dismantling something that was very much in need of dismantling that has caused some very big holes in society which have gone from drip bleeding societies values/roles/rules out to straight out hemorrhaging them like an artery that is cut.


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