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Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects

 Feeling Doubtful about Greenhouse Gas Effects Introduction Climate change has been at the forefront of concern around the world for quite a few years now. We've seen the steady increase in greenhouse gasses since industrialization began and have been able to measure the effect industry has had on the atmosphere in detail since 1970. As the decades have worn on and the world gets more technological with an increase in industrial activity. It is noticed that there has been an increase in average temperature in the last century of about a full degree. This paper asserts that greenhouse gasses are not the primary factor in global warming, but that the warming is from a shifting of the electromagnetic poles in conjunction with a prolonged increase in solar activity which has weakened the atmosphere's ability to repel solar winds and radiation. A degree in temperature doesn't seem like it should be much to worry about as many skeptics have pointed out, the earth goes through coo

Top Ten AI with ICs Stocks to Invest in During the Last half of 2024

Top Ten AI with ICs Stocks to Invest in During the Last half of 2024

Artificial Intelligence - the software brain

Integrated Circuit - basically the hardware for physical versions of AI

Photo by Nick Chong on Unsplash

Plug and Play Tech Center: This accelerator firm based in Sunnyvale, California invests in seed, early-stage, and later-stage companies. They have made investments in AI and ML companies such as Transmit Security, Momenta, Workato, and Dialpad.

Techstars: An accelerator based in Boulder, Colorado, Techstars focuses on various sectors including AI and ML. Their investments in AI and ML companies include Rapyuta Robotics, Comet, Inspectorio, and Fathom.

Y Combinator: Based in Mountain View, California, Y Combinator is an accelerator firm that invests in sectors like b2b software and services, education, consumer, healthcare, and more. They have invested in AI and ML companies like Faire, Veriff, and Replit.

Alumni Ventures: This venture capital firm based in Manchester, New Hampshire, manages fund families that invest in various sectors. They have made investments in AI and ML companies such as Mobilete, SenseTime, and Dataminr.

Google for Startups Accelerator: Based in San Francisco, this accelerator and incubator firm focuses on investments in software, digital health, health technology, wellness, AI, and ML sectors. Their investments include Predictva, Athlytic, and Beepboop.

Tech Incubator Program for Startups: This accelerator firm based in Seoul, South Korea, invests in seed-stage and early-stage companies. They have invested in AI and ML companies like Ibizon, Narnia Labs, and RealBuy [1].

Insight Partners: A growth private equity firm based in New York, Insight Partners predominantly invests in technology. Their investments in AI and ML companies include BMC Software, Databricks, and Transmit Security [1].

10X Capital: This venture capital firm based in New York invests in information technology and big data sectors. Their investments in AI and ML companies include FiscalNote Holdings, Cerebras, and Shield AI [1].

Antler: An accelerator and incubator firm based in Singapore, Antler seeks to invest in the technology sector. Their investments in AI and ML companies include Vamstar, Bluesheets, and Glint Solar [1].

Goodwater Capital: Based in Burlingame, California, Goodwater Capital invests in sectors such as housing, financial services, consumer products and services, healthcare, food, transportation, and more. Their investments in AI and ML companies include ByteLearn, EthSign, and DealDriver AI [1].


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