Why are people at the bottom class so easily used by people at the top?

People that are on the bottom are easy to be used by anybody for anything. That’s the point of keeping people on the bottom is so that way you have an expendable population that will be ‘servant like’ in their complacency and will not spend a lot of time fighting against the system.
There’s a natural balance that has to be achieved for this to occur. You have to keep people down low enough that their main focus is survival. If you keep the bulk of them right at this poverty level, where the only thing that that’s on their mind is getting to work and getting their paycheck so that way they can keep their power on, and keep the lights on, and keep the heat going, and some food in the cupboard, then as a ruling elite you’re laughing.
As a ruler you’re laughing because the people have enough hope that they can still be something more than what they are but, at the same time they are scared of losing what little they do have, which keeps them obedient. So they have a little bit, and what they do have they are petrified of losing because to lose any more puts them in a situation where they are extremely vulnerable, and they’re all ready vulnerable at this moment.
So nobody wants to take any risks and nobody wants to upset the balance if they have something left to lose. It’s only when you have nothing left to lose at all that you get a loud enough voice that you can start to get yourself a revolution but, to get to that point you need a base of people that are so low, and with such little hope that the idea of death is less scary than living.
The reason revolutions are so hard to achieve is because you need to have such deplorable conditions and people need to be so desperate that they are willing to leave whatever comfort they have for an uncertain future. This takes an incredible amount of overt suppression and usually some type of calamity to create an environment that is so uncomfortable and bad that people are willing to risk their lives and what little they own to achieve their vision.
It takes an incredible amount of misery to get people to this level though, and then you need to have an elite that isn’t so arrogant and so presumptuous that they are unable to see the writing on the wall. Otherwise, they’ll see what is coming and will smartly divide their enemy by offering benefits to certain groups within it to undermine and to pit the people against one another.
Divide and conquer, and then get them focused on each other rather than yourself, and you will retain power. Once divided and the threat is neutralized, then you can reinforce your power base by segregating off whatever it was that you offered them to get them to betray their cause.
A truly oppressive regime will offer a group some power or some benefit, like land or rights and then when the rebellion is squashed and things are well under control — they’ll take back what they gave and then punish that group harshly in some other way. Doing so destroys their hope and their will, which is important so that way they don’t capitalize on their newly acquired rights/power.
You don’t want that hope going to their heads so that way they get the idea that they should be in charge and continue the rebellion in some other way, and you don’t want them learning from what they had done that created a threat to you and caused you to give them something, so you destroy their hope by removing that privilege. The beauty of this approach is that because they already betrayed the others, they can’t go back to that unified front which threatened you to begin with. The rebellion is dead, and the group is permanently divided, with the main power base lost in hopelessness and despair.
Otherwise, once people reach that desperation level they’re capable of anything and they are a real big risk to any elite that rule or any government. So the trick for them is always to keep people down low enough that they don’t pose a risk, but not so low that they have nothing left to lose. They must have something to lose at all times. The fear of losing what little they have can be a powerful deterrent and it keeps the people under your control.
People are controllable as long as they feel you have the authority over whether or not they get to keep something. That’s how you keep them in line is you make them fear losing something. If they fear that they will fall in line and walk in tow.
The ruling elite have everything balanced just properly, so that way there is no upset and there is no danger to them. They do this by giving everybody a standard of living that is decent enough that if they work like slaves all their life, they won’t have to suffer by getting out of this comfort zone. That gives people hope and reason to keep being good little worker ants.
It’s all about keeping the existing power structure base it’s all about the ruling elite the secret elite that truly runs things. In all of history, every country that had ever existed had a ruling elite that was the true power base and true runners of the country. In all cases. This ruling elite that exists now is more intelligent than they were in the past because they no longer cater to their narcissism.
They no longer have to be up front and worshipped — they realized they can do far more and have far more control by being invisible. They are the invisible group that nobody can see but very much exists. If all recorded history had such a group that run the known world at the time then, why are we so dumb to believe that isn’t still the case?
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